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Teach Students Empathy and Awareness

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As They Head Back to School Written By: Nicole Hockley   With back-to-school upon us, we all know how important it is to ensure students are prepped with the essentials, such as notebooks and pens….

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Cirque du Soleil’s Loves South Florida

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Bringing its first-ice production, CRYSTAL, to Miami’s American Airlines Arena   Cirque du Soleil is thrilled to return to the Miami area with its coolest arena show yet – Cirque du Soleil’s CRYSTAL. This unique arena production showcases synchronized,…

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M-DCPS Creates Department of Mental Health

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Miami-Dade County Public Schools has established a Department of Mental Health Services to coordinate and facilitate services between schools and community agencies and ensure students who are referred for mental health care and treatment are…

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Back-to-School Seafood Favorites

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With a new school year beginning, it’s important for parents to be prepared and help their children start forming good habits. For example, most children function better in a routine. They wake up every day…

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