There is no greater gift than the giving of true, unconditional love. Love is a ruling theme in all of our lives, and especially within families. We all want to share love with each other; to receive love, to feel loved, to give love. It’s a driving force in all that we say and do.
Written by: Camille Lucy
Here are the top 5 ways to truly show and express your love for your family (and very importantly, yourself!)
Accept the whole. To love someone is to accept them fully for who they are, imperfections and all. Love does not seek to change. Love celebrates the other person for who they are as a whole. Learning to accept one other, embracing everyone’s quirks and not “sweating the small stuff,” can greatly help all of you to open your hearts, appreciating and understanding one another (and yourselves) in a new way.
Support and nurture. Part of loving someone is being supportive, encouraging them to be the best version of themselves; to be what they want to be, not what we want them to be or think they should be. Love cradles, nurtures and fosters growth and development. Love honors the other person and always strives to serve, protect, nurture and build. Give your family the support they need to reach their fullest potential.
Learn the language of Love. Love is about giving. Love can be described as receiving a gift. You cherish it, honor it, and appreciate its beauty. That gift is the other person; your partner, your children and your animals. Love speaks softly and gently. Speak from your heart and use kind words to explain your real feelings and desires. This teaches your children to communicate effectively and handle their emotions in a healthy way and fosters respect for one another while deepening your bond.
Know when loving means standing up for yourself. There are situations that arise where standing up for yourself, your beliefs and what you need, is the most loving thing you can do. By sticking to your position, you embody confidence and a sense of authenticity to your children. And by being clear and consistent in words and actions, your family builds trust, safety and dependability on one another.
True love begins at home. You need to nurture yourself, feed your body and soul, and feel good in order to have the space to love and take care of your family. If you begin to break down, you can not offer them anything. Accept yourself for all parts of you, support and nurture yourself (be your own cheerleader!), speak and act gently to yourself, and learn to let go of people, places or things that are draining you!
Teach your children to utilize these 5 principles and you will set them up for a life of abundance and beauty and everyday miracles. Most importantly, they will always know the true meaning of unconditional love and be able to recognize, receive and give it plentifully.
About the author:
Camille Lucy is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Certified Reiki & Raindrop Technique Practitioner, Ordained Holistic Minister, graphic and web designer, business consultant, and Vice President of a local non-profit that “rehabilitates people through animals.” She is also a writer, a Mother of 3 girls, an artist, a Life- and-Love Junkie, a Self-Expression and Development advocate, and – well, you get the point. She’s a lot of things, just like all of us. Learn more about her and her adventure(s) at