The Kiddos Kid Reporter and Mayor Luigi Boria

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Luigi Boria is the current Mayor of Doral and is recognized for his dedicated involvement and support of the Doral community.


Written by: Roxane Timon


Our Kiddos Kid Reporter had the opportunity to meet with Luigi Boria, Mayor of Doral. Mayor Boria is the first Mayor of Venezuelan origin in the country. He has resided in Doral with his family for over twenty-six years. Since the beginning of Boria’s election as Mayor in 2012, the City of Doral has witnessed noteworthy developments. His dedication to making Doral a better city has led to numerous accomplishments. To name a few, the Parks and Recreation Department won the “2014 Florida Recreation Park Association Agency and Excellence Award”, the city increased police personnel, and roadway resurfacing improvements have been completed throughout Doral. Future projects for the City of Doral includes two brand new parks that are under construction, two new K-8 centers and turning Doral Middle School into a high school which will host over 600 students. Doral has become the home of over 250 company headquarters and more than 100 multinational corporations. In addition to being Mayor, Boria was also the City of Doral’s Councilman for two years. Luigi Boria shared with us some insight on his experiences, challenges and accomplishments he has encountered as Mayor of Doral.

The Kiddos Kid Reporter: Mayor Boria, what is the most important job you have done for the City of Doral?

 Mayor Boria: Well, making this city a friendly city and a workable city has been a challenge because we have many things going on at the same time.


The Kiddos Kid Reporter: What advice would you give to kids to make a better city?

 Mayor Boria: First of all, to obey their parents and secondly, to go to school and educate themselves. One day, maybe they will become mayors and they can help me with the city for the next generation [laughs].

The Kiddos Kid Reporter: Can you tell me about some of the future projects that will improve the City of Doral?

 Mayor Boria: We are building two very beautiful parks: Doral Legacy Park and Doral Glades Park. They are currently under construction and by this time next year we will have two brand new parks. Along with the six parks that Doral already has, we will have beautiful parks for the community.

The Kiddos Kid Reporter: What message will you give to this community for this holiday season?

 Mayor Boria: To behave, to not go to sleep too late, to help others, and to contribute to the community because this means that you identify with the city. If we all work together, then we can have a better city for everybody.

The Kiddos Kid Reporter: What is your favorite book?

 Mayor Boria: The Bible.

The Kiddos Kid Reporter: Can you describe Luigi Boria in three different words?

 Mayor Boria: I would say honesty, transparency, and responsible.

About The Kiddos Kid Reporter

In our 2014 Back to School edition Kiddos Magazine introduced “The Kiddos Kid Reporter,” a new segment in which our 9 year old reporter, Marco, interviews celebrities, educators, and inspirational artists and personalities who have strong impacts in our community and in ourKiddos’ lives.

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