“Our world is a melting pot of different configurations, beliefs, cultural norms, and personal practices.” Every child and family come to a child care community with different values and experiences. One of the most important gifts we can give our children is to help them feel good about the uniqueness of their family and help them learn to accept, respect, and include people whom they may experience as “different.”
Source: Bright Horizons

Answering Questions About Diverse Family Structures
When children become aware of diverse family structures, they might ask a question such as, “Can someone have two mommies?” Usually, when a young child asks such a question, he is looking for a “yes” or “no.” Children are not typically on a journey seeking a deeper level of understanding. Many of us tend to give more information than necessary, but young children don’t associate the adults in families with their sexual orientation. Preschool children are concrete thinkers and not ready for, nor do they want, a philosophical discussion. They do not yet have the cognitive ability, nor the life experience, to understand gay vs. straight relationships—nor are they interested. Young children are simply attempting to find their place in this big world and trying to make sense of the concept of family, whether traditional or non-traditional.
Children’s growing awareness of diverse family structures provides rich opportunities to help them celebrate family diversity and engage them in conversation about who is in THEIR family, who lives in THEIR house and more importantly, who takes care of them. People will associate “two mommies” with a myriad of possibilities: a blended family, a divorced couple, a lesbian couple, mother and grandmother, surrogate or foster mothers, etc. Typically, people interpret within their own frame of reference.