From Ballet Class to Medical School:
The Importance of an Arts Education in Your Child’s Life.
How important is an arts education in a child’s life? Ruth Wiesen, director of the Thomas Armour Youth Ballet, states that “the study of an art form, like Ballet, can be a vehicle that transports children through doors that maximize their options in life.” The study of dance, she says, “teaches crucial life skills of discipline, focus, attention to detail, confidence, creativity, teamwork, and the ability to delay gratification. It’s no coincidence that a disproportionate number of our graduates go to medical school. They have learned from an early age that it can take 10 years of study to begin mastery of a skill or subject.”
Although some may regard it as a luxury, studies show that there is a correlation between the study of an art discipline and achievement, both short and long term. A report by Americans for the Arts states that young people who participate regularly in the arts are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement, to participate in a math and science fair, or to win an award for writing an essay or poem, than children who do not participate.
Miami Dade County has been proactive in the effort to make arts accessible to all children and families. In the Miami Dade County Public School system, magnet programs in the arts have done much to expose children across the entire community to a comprehensive arts education. The Dept of Cultural Affairs and the Children’s Trust are responsible for the development, growth, and support of many after school arts programs in our community.
More information about arts programs can be found through:
The Thomas Armour Youth Ballet 305-667-5543 or visit:;
The Miami Dade County Dept. of Cultural Affairs 305- 375-4634 or visit:;
The Children’s Trust – Call 211 or visit;
Miami Dade County Public Schools Magnet programs 305-995-1126 or visit:
Maximize your child’s potential. See what an education in the arts can do for your child. Enroll your child today!
Written by: Kelly Robotham