Easy & Fun Ways to Show Your Love this Mother’s Day
Written by: Camille Lucy
“Mothers and their children are in a category all their own. There’s no bond so strong in the entire world. No love so instantaneous and forgiving.” ―Gail Tsukiyama
Words do not do justice describing the absolute beauty and unconditional love that embodies a Mother. From conception, she carries us, supports us and nurtures us. She is the breath of life that brings us to and through our journey here on Earth. She lends us her own body, her strength, her heart and her soul. As the quote says, the bond between Mother and Child is so strong, and the love and devotion are unparalleled.
So, it’s no surprise if you want to really shower mom with love and appreciation for Mother’s Day this year! But, what can you give to the woman that has given her all? Here are 7 DIY (do it yourself) gifts for Mom that come with a little piece of you, your love and your gratitude to let her know just how special she is:
Framed Art or Poem
Moms love art! Especially when it comes from the hands of their most loved, little Picasso. This Mother’s Day, paint or draw something special for mom or write a poem, color around it and frame it. This is something that can go on display so anytime Mom looks up at the wall, she can see just how loved she truly is.
Coupon Book
Here’s a sure-fire way to pull at Mom’s heart strings and show her you care! Create a coupon book that she can “cash in” when she needs it most. Some ideas for the coupons are: Free hugs, a snuggle session before bed, a chore like dishes or dusting or taking the garbage out, or a special date night together! Fill the book up with easy ways to help Mom; she’ll be so appreciative!
Precious Moments Keepsake
With technology expanding as it has been, so many photos are stored on smartphones, devices or computers. Prints are not made as often as they used to be, and sometimes we forget all of the special moments and memories we photographed if we don’t scroll the camera roll often. How great would it be to sit on the couch flipping through a photo album together and reminiscing on all the cute, silly, funny, amazing times? Snag mom’s phone, send some of your favorite shots to a local photo center, and put together an album! You can add stickers to the pages, or captions, or draw on the inside cover (and include a note and date it).
These are just some ideas for creating a special gift for Mom this holiday, but the options are endless and can be combined! Get creative, have some fun and show Mom just how priceless she is to your family.
Photo Series M-O-M
Photograph the little ones holding up the letters M, O, M. Then, create a collage of the finished masterpiece and frame it or create 3 separate frames for each photo. The letters can be held, sat next to a child or family pet, or strategically staged for aesthetic appeal if you’re feeling creative! What’s more, you can print the photos out to make a special card instead of hanging them or placing them in the house in a frame. The options are endless!
Movie Night Bucket
Want to catch up on some flicks and spend Q.T. with Mom? Grab a bucket from the local dollar store and fill it up with candy, popcorn and a drink and a ticket inside that says you’re inviting Mom on a movie-date!
What’s Mom love more than coffee or tea? Well, her family, of course! So why not join the two to create a super special, one-of-a-kind morning treat? Local craft stores carry mugs that you paint then bake in the oven to cure. Little ones can color, write something or put handprints on this unique mug for Mom! Want to take it one step farther? Put the mug in a basket and add Mom’s favorite type of coffee or morning treat.
Love You Jar
Like a gratitude jar, an I LOVE YOU Jar is a thoughtful way to express what is in your heart. Decorate a mason jar and fill the jar with little notes about Mom. Why you love her, what makes her special, how you feel about her…etc. When she’s having a tough day, this gift will lift her spirits and warm her heart in no time.
Camille Lucy is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Certified Reiki & Raindrop Technique Practitioner, Ordained Holistic Minister, Certified Meditation Instructor, Yoga Teaching in Training, graphic and web designer, business consultant, and Vice President of a local non-profit that “rehabilitates people through animals.”Learn more about her and her adventure(s) at www.CamilleLucy.com.